购买代理Buying Agent
近年来国外公司都会委任香港或大陆公司代理购买货品,嘉利美商(集团)有限公司已从事购买代理多年,经验亦十分丰富,现今贸易的趋势,都向外国公司争取购买代理权,以省却自行设厂制造商品的风险与麻烦。身为购买代理,嘉利美商(集团)有限公司主要会为客户搜寻货源,然后代表客户与厂方沟通,讨价还价,价钱满意后,签销售合同并跟进产品的货期及质量,安排船期、付运等。公司则在当中抽取一定的佣金作为酬劳。Nowadays a lot of foreign countries would appoint a company in Hong Kong or China to be their buying agent. Frankie Dominion (Holdings) Ltd has been an agent company for years and is quite mature as an agent company. As the trend of trading in this era, lots of company would grab the chance to become an agent to foreign trading companies as to avoid the risk and trouble of setting up manufacturing factories on their own. On behalf of the clients, Frankie Dominion (Holdings) Ltd would do the products sourcing for the clients, negotiate with the factory or supplier to get the best target price, then prepare sales contracts for clients to sign and follow up the production date to meet the shipping date and etc. As the agent, Frankie Dominion (Holdings) Ltd will receive an agreed amount of commission from the client.