中国货源China Sourcing
除了为客户搜索货源,嘉利美商(集团)有限公司亦帮忙订购货物,当然为了达到客户提供的目标价钱,必须搜索一间价廉物美的供货商,让客户赚取更高的利润,接下来就是订购货品。当中所涉及的文件处理工作,一概由嘉利美商(集团)有限公司训练有素的营销员代办。客户只需以电邮遥控或通知营销员他们所需要的产品要求及价钱就行,为客户减省了很多繁杂的工作。China has a rich source of raw materials and merchandises. Its variety of product vary from kitchenware to bathroom items, home products, gardening products, stationery, toys, decorations, jewelry, furniture etc. has provided China a platform to trade goods with foreign countries.
Having our own procurement office based in China, Frankie Dominion (Holdings) Ltd has the advantage to provide better service to the clients from overseas.
Frankie Dominion (Holdings) Ltd has a team of expert merchandisers to provide sourcing services to the clients from other countries. They would follow up all the negotiating and paper work dealing with the trading. Frankie Dominion has built up strong relationships with numerous factories throughout China. This enables us to source a wide range of products at the lowest possible price for our customers.